Monday, April 5, 2010

Should cursive writing still be taught in elementary schools?

In my own opinion, I do not see the need for younger students to still learn the cursive alphabet in elementary school. It has become unnecessary and obsolete in today’s world. People in my generation rarely write in cursive because even though it is said to be faster, many people I know can actually write faster in print since they are so used to using it. Also, so many things today are typed, like papers for school and communication via e-mail and other social networks. Learning two different forms of handwriting just seems like a waste of time. Print writing is completely acceptable in today’s world and since students learn print first, that should be enough. The time that was spent learning cursive could then be used for something more valuable in our society today.

Here is a link to a CBS video titled "The Death of Handwriting"

Also, here is an article from TIME Magazine titled "Mourning the Death of Handwriting"

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